Educational Offerings

Private/Group classes different from community classes. These trauma informed curricula are developed by our founder and Black Freedom Fellowship has facilitated these offerings to groups like the University of California and the City of Oakland.

While the basis of these offerings is listed below, they are adjusted to meet your group’s unique needs. We are also open to offering one of a kind services within our expertise.

Please fill out the form below to set up a free 30 minute consultation


Breathing Room

Space to breathe deeply for those of us navigating the intersectional challenges of daily life.

These sessions weave scientific research on mindfulness with guided somatic instruction for practices like acupressure and Pranayama while taking time to create and have group discussions.

Open to all. Ideal for survivors and those working with trauma survivors; artists experiencing creative blocks; researchers studying challenging subjects; folks interested in sensory-based knowledge.

Devotion Over Discipline

As said by the Kung Fu teacher, Mia Velez “Discipline is violence against the body.” In this course we investigate the effect of violent goal setting and intervene with the spaciousness of devotional practice. We map our journey to our intentions exploring compassionate time management, expansive visioning and sustainable practices that support our growth. While we contemplate the direct words of great minds ranging from Nina Simone to Rumi. Includes pranayama, meditation and stress management tools.

Open to all. Ideal for artists being compensated for work; entrepreneurs; students; and all who aim to be self-driven.

Body Talk

Mindful yoga movement for diverse bodies, genders and fitness levels. These 60 minute or 90 minute classes incorporate the full Hatha Yoga sequence with an added emphasis on accessibility, ethnic and race based trauma and gender expansiveness.

Open to all.